Our Holistic Approach to

Hair Loss Reversal

We take a holistic approach to hair loss, using advanced testing and personalized treatment plans that address the underlying causes and restore healthy hair growth

Did you know that 90% of hair loss is not genetic or permanent? Our comprehensive approach can help you regain a full, healthy head of hair.

Causes of Hair Loss

Hidden Root Causes of Hair Loss

  • Hormones

  • Nutrient deficiencies

  • Stress

  • Scalp conditions

  • Medical treatments

We take a holistic approach to hair loss, using advanced testing and personalized treatment plans that address the underlying causes and restore healthy hair growth.

Hormone and Hair Loss

Hormone and Hair Loss

Hormone imbalances, like PCOS and thyroid issues, can lead to hair loss and thinning in women. Testing and balancing hormones are crucial for healthy hair growth.

Nutrients and Healthy Hair

Iron, biotin, and vitamin D deficiencies can cause hair loss. We identify these gaps and tailor plans with diet changes and supplements for healthy hair growth.

hair health issues

Stress and Its Impact on Hair Health

We tackle hair health issues stemming from stress by balancing stress hormones with targeted treatments and natural therapies, aiding in reducing hair loss and encouraging healthy growth.

Our approach to reversing hair loss

At Nina Ross Functional Medicine, we take a comprehensive approach to hair loss, using advanced testing and personalized treatment plans that address the underlying causes and restore healthy hair growth.

Our treatment plans may include dietary changes, natural supplements, stress management techniques, and other therapies that are tailored to the individual.

Ready To Fix Your Situation?

Schedule a Functional Medicine evaluation with us and start living your best healthy life.